Monday, December 14, 2009

My husband bought me a whole bunch of coffee packets

One way for us to stop wasting coffee now that we both have our pots brewing, (Adam has his coffee so strong that I have to put half boiling water in mine. Plus all that he really likes is Yuban; and me?...anything that says coffee and smells like coffee is for me) is to do the individual packets; and I have already put some in my purse, sent some to my friend, and have placed some in the glove compartment of the PU. How is that for never leaving home without it? We already have the sugar and creamer containers in the rig and a thermous for long trips to the city and appointments. Our cups are always wiped clean and placed in our little basket of on the road needs. Now instead of buying expensive coffee from the little markets along the way ~~~ we can just get some hot water and make our own.
They are pretty neat little packets. They come fully ready for the cup. Creamer and sugar added and there are some Mocha, Irish cream and regular. I have already sampled them all......imagine that!

The coffee is Jewish. It is called Cafe Mazel Tov; and very good!
I had to call my sister to know what the words meant exactally.
Mazal tov
Generally defined as good fortune or good luck. the term has become a popular synonym for "congratulations!" Some people pronounce it "mazl tof."
Actually, "mazal" in Biblical and Talmudic times meant a planet or constellation of the zodiac. Ancient belief held that the positions of stars and planets had special powers over us. This is a feeling still maintained by those who practice astrology. The term "mazal," therefore, acquired the connotation of fate or fortune. "Mazal tov" thus literally meant, "may you stand under a good constellation."
In the course of time, the rabbis, as well as Jewish scholars, cautioned our people not to place confidence in signs and omens derived from the stars. Still, the term "mazal" has been retained to signify a happy or fortunate occurrence.
Joyful occasions calling for the use of "mazal tov" are birthdays, a bar or bat mitzvah, a wedding, an anniversary, moving to a new home, beginning a new job, among others.


  1. Where do you get those Mazel's coffee packets? My SS sent me one and it was good and wanted to get some more.

  2. well helo there Nancy.
    I will ask my husband. Thay really are good; and we ....well, I do not waste any more pots of coffee.
    I take them with us when we go some where and I even have some in my purse for when I am waiting in doctor offices or at someone's home that does not drink coffee.
    I love them and they are also made with the cream and sugars in them.

  3. OOOOPPPSS!! Real spelling errors going on here...
    hello instead of helo
    they instead of thay
    and I was your SS and happy to pray for you and hold you up to the Lord Jesus.

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